martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

Newsweek's Michele Bachmann Cover Raises Eyebrows

Newsweek's latest issue features a Michele Bachmann cover that's sure to stir up controversy. Michelle Bachmann Appeared on the Cover of Newsweek With a Slight Case of Crazy Eyes. The photo of Bachmann, shot in Washington on Aug. 1 by photographer Chris Buck, accompanies a cover story by Lois Romano entitled "The Queen of Rage."

The outrage follows the latest cover of Newsweek featuring a huge photo of a wild-eyed Mrs Bachmann. Noel Sheppard on the conservative Web site News Busters, “Exactly what were the editors thinking putting this kind of a picture of a sitting congresswoman and presidential candidate on their cover"?

It's not the first time Newsweek has faced conservative backlash for a cover. In June, the magazine portrayed Mitt Romney as one of the stars of the Broadway show "The Book of Mormon." And, of course, it drew widespread criticism for its infamous Sarah Palin cover in 2009.

Fox News Channel contributor and conservative blogger Michelle Malkin wrote on Monday: 'Seriously, Tina Brown? Yes, I’m talking about you, Oxford University-educated Newsweek/Daily Beast editor Tina Brown. It also insinuated that the Michele Bachmann Newsweek cover made her look a bit like Charles Manson.
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